Educational Videos Manejo Capsular Artroscopia de Cadera Revision de Cadera Latin American Symposium: Pinzamiento Femoroacetabular Latin American Symposium: Preservacion de cadera Acceso y tecnicas AANA 2024 "Favorable and Durable Outcomes at 10-Year Follow Up of Endoscopic Gluteus Medius Repair with Concomitant Hip Arthroscopy" AANA 2024 "Minimum 10-Year Outcomes of Hip Arthroscopy with Retroverted Acetabulum; A Propensity Matched Study" AAOS 2024 Debate "Arthroscopic Osteochondroplasty and Labral Repair/Reconstruction is Always Better" ISHA 2023 "Management of the Labrum" ISHA 2023 "Minimum 10-Year Outcomes of Hip Arthroscopy with Retroverted Acetabulum" Munich Hip Meeting 2022 "Evolving Technique Update: Labral Reconstruction Made Easy" Munich Hip Meeting 2022 "Labral Repair: When and How" AAOS 2022 "Management of the Labrum" Treatment of Dysplastic Hips A Summary of Extra-Articular Hip Pathologies Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome Non-Operative Treatment Options for Arthritis of the Hip Dr. Justin LaReau presents as Guest Faculty at AHI: Periacetabular Osteotomy (2022) Dr. Asheesh Bedi presents as Guest Faculty at AHI: Orthobiologics (2022) Dr. Andrew Curley presents on Pelvic Tilt Change After PAO for Hip Dysplasia at ISHA 2022 Dr. Andrew Curley presents on Treatment for Cam-type FAI at ISHA 2022 Dr. Benjamin Domb presents Arthroscopic Treatment to the Torn Labrum at the Saudi Orthopedic Association Annual Meeting (2021) Dr. Benjamin Domb presents Arthroscopic Treatment of Hip Impingement at the Saudi Orthopedic Association Annual Meeting (2021) Advances in Regenerative Medicine for Hip Pain (2020) Benefits of Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement (2020) American Hip Institute’s Dr. Domb presents open gluteus medius repair with allograft augmentation (2020) Dr. Domb speaks to physical therapists: “The Athlete’s Hip (2020) Dr. Sanjeev Bhatia of Northwestern Medicine presents as Guest Faculty at AHI: Hip Arthroscopy Pearls (2020) Dr. Alex Tauchen of Northshore University Health System presents as Guest Faculty at the AHI (2020) Challenging Cases in THR - Guest Faculty Lecture at American Hip Institute & Orthopedic Specialists: Dr. Nicholas Brown of Loyola University (2020) Live Surgery - Circumferential Labral Reconstruction Using the Knotless Pull-Through Technique Sex Without Hip Pain - Chicago Ultimate Women's Exposition (2019) Robotic Hip Arthroplasty – AAOS (2019) Dysplasia Arthroscopy Indications (2014) Gluteus Medius Tears: Techniques and Indications (2014) Hamstring Tendon Injuries: Decision-Making and Repair Techniques (2014) Hip Arthroscopy (2014) Should the Hip Capsule Be Repaired? (2014) Robotic Guidance in Anterior THR (2014) Robotic Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement (2014) How Much Arthritis Is Too Much, Dr. Kris Alden, Chicago Hip Symposium (2013) Learning Curve In Hip Arthroscopy, Dr. Itamar Botser, Chicago Hip Symposium (2013) Indications For Hip Arthroscopy, Dr. Thomas DeBerardino, Chicago Hip Symposium (2013) The Diagnosis: Putting It All Together, Dr. Benjamin Domb, Chicago Hip Symposium (2013) Dysplasia: Arthroscopic Indications, Dr. Benjamin Domb, Chicago Hip Symposium (2013) Labrum: Anatomy and Function, Dr. Benjamin Domb, Chicago Hip Symposium (2013) Open Surgical Dislocation: Approach to the Hip, Dr. Benjamin Domb, Chicago Hip Symposium (2013) Complications and the failed hip arthroscopy, Dr. Brian Giordano, Chicago Hip Symposium (2013) Safe Access, Patient Positioning, Portal Placement, Dr. Brian Giordano, Chicago Hip Symposium (2013) Hip Instability, Dr. Timothy Jackson, Chicago Hip Symposium (2013) Endoscopic Proximal Hamstring Repair, Dr. Brian Giordano, Chicago Hip Symposium (2013) Rehabilitation After Hip Arthroscopy, Dr. Timothy Jackson, Chicago Hip Symposium (2013)